Saturday, July 19, 2014


Hello There!

I think it would be beneficial to introduce myself. My name is Delaney O'Connor, and I am an 18 year old girl living in Florida, getting ready to go up to college in Boston in the fall. I consider myself to have a passion for people. I love people, how they act, who they are, the little differences that make each of us individuals. This is one reason why I want to go into Psychology and study people for the rest of my life. 
I have suffered from an eating disorder for about six years now, and am proud to say that I am well on the path to recovery. I wanted to start this blog in order to share my thoughts and wisdom that I have gotten over the past six years, and to celebrate the growth I've had, and the person I am becoming. My dream is to write books and public speak, to help people love themselves and understand themselves and the world we live in. I think that this is a really good place to start. So, thanks for reading, and I hope that you enjoy an glimpse into my mind, and some wisdom and love from my heart. 

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