Thursday, November 27, 2014

Surviving Thanksgiving

Although Thanksgiving is supposed to be a time of fun and thanksgiving with Family and people you love, when you are suffering from an eating disorder a holiday surrounded by food can be extremely challenging. This Thursday at the end of November can bring huge amounts of anxiety, and your eating disorder voice is very likely screaming very loudly at you today. I know for me in the past, Thanksgiving has been one of the hardest days of the year, full of stress and eating disordered behaviors. For the first Thanksgiving in many years I am excited to say that I am not worried. I know that it is going to be a good day full of family and good food, and one day is not going to make or break me. It doesn't have to be so hard. Today I want to share with you all some tips and tricks I am going to use today to remain healthily in recovery and keep my eating disorder voice away.

Don't weigh yourself!

I know that it is very tempting to weigh yourself in the morning or throughout the day on Thanksgiving (and everyday!) You might justify your eating disorder by telling yourself that you are seeing how much food you can allow yourself today, or more likely, how little. All this will end up doing is causing you unnecessary stress and anxiety, and make you less than present in the festivities with your family. It leads to even more self-hate and eating disorder behaviors. This is not good on any day, but especially not a day that is supposed to be filled with fun and thanks with the people you love.

Eat all three meals

Another thing your eating disorder is probably going to tell you today is that you have to restrict in the day before the main course, in order to make up for all the food you are going to eat at dinner. It will tell you that if you were to eat all three meals you would instantly blow up like a balloon or gain 15 pounds. This is far from the truth though. If you save all of your appetite for the main meal, you will be so avenged that you are likely to overeat and turn the meal into a binge. It is also not good for your body to wait that long into the day to eat, and your metabolism will slow down. sticking with the routine of your recovery and simply planning dinner into your day as you would any other dinner will keep your eating disorder voice quiet, and keep you healthily in recovery.

Don't count your calories

Along the same lines as weighing yourself, counting calories in not good on any day, but is especially unnecessary on this holiday. You may end up eating more than your normal caloric intake, or than your eating disorder thinks that you should. This is perfectly fine and good though! Counting calories will keep you in your own head and out of the festivities, and will only add anxiety, self-loathing, and eating disorder behaviors.

Have Compassion with Yourself

Today is going to be hard. I know that. I also know that you can beat your eating disorder, and have an amazing day today. But you may mess up. You may not be able to resist your eating disorder. Or, you may, then allow your eating disorder to make you feel guilty and terrible about it afterwards. All of this is okay. There is nothing wrong with that. You are still fighting, and trying with all your might, and you are so strong. But that doesn't mean that it won't be hard, and that your eating disorder isn't strong. You are stronger, but your eating disorder may be strong. So be kind to yourself. Have compassion and understanding for all that you are trying to do. It isn't going to be easy. If you mess up, or feel guilty, allow yourself to feel these feelings instead of fighting them down. Feel them, and then tell yourself how strong and brave you are for fighting, and move on. 

Let yourself enjoy!

Thanksgiving is supposed to be fun! It is supposed to be a day filled with thanks and love and joy, not one filled with anxiety and sadness and eating disordered behaviors. And guess what?! Food is apart of it! that is okay! Food can be fun and delicious, and celebration. It does not have to be something to be afraid of! So let yourself enjoy it! try to say fuck you to your eating disorder, and eat another slice of pie! Have some delicious sweet potatoes, have a roll with real butter! Trust me, you deserve it! and it will not kill you. It is seriously impossible to gain even one pound in a single day from eating a little extra. It will not happen. Even if the scale does go up, it will be water and the food inside you and will go back to normal in a couple days. So don't stress. Don't worry. Just let go and let yourself enjoy the day! You can do this!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Delaney Jane,

    You are an inspiration and I am truly happy that I saw this and read the whole thing! Today I am thankful to have people like you in my life that are stronger than they will ever know, and constantly remind me to smile at everyone I see because everyone is truly fighting their own battles.

    I love you little! Happy Thanksgiving! <3
    Best, Rachel Ann
