Friday, February 6, 2015

Reframing Negative Self-Talk

For some reason it seems to be my (and many other people's) first instinct to jump to the negative. Whenever something happens that doesn't go exactly as planned, suddenly I am stupid, a failure, and silly for even trying. When I look in the mirror, instead of seeing the good, all too often the first thoughts that come to my mind are all the things that I don't like, and all the things I would like to change.

As ingrained as they seem, it is possible to change these patterns of negative self-talk. Actively noticing when negative thoughts appear in your mind and looking at them without judgment is the first step. After this, it is possible to combat those negative thoughts, and reframe them to be more positive and helpful to you and your growth. Right now, your mind's first instinct is to jump to the negative, but with enough practice and reframing, it is possible to rewire your brain to instead focus on positive and uplifting messages, and have those be the first that come to mind.

Here are some examples of thoughts that I and you may often have, and ways to reframe them to become more positive:

Thought: My thighs look huge in these pants! They are so fat and disgusting.
Reframe: My thighs are strong, muscular, and beautiful! They allow me to run, jump, and do so many things that I love and make me happy.   
Thought: I am so awkward talking to new people. I never know what to say. I am horrible in social situations. 
Reframe: I am good with people! I may not always know what to say, but I am a good listener, and people tell me that I am fun to be around, and that my smile lights up a room.

Thought: My stomach is so fat! It is not flat and toned, I wish I were thinner.
Reframe: My stomach is soft and beautiful! It is the home of all the organs that keep me alive, and so it is great that I take care of it! It is feminine and soft and majestic! 

Thought: I feel horrible and disgusting when I eat three meals a day. I wish I had the self control to eat less.
Reframe: I am strong and brave for taking care of myself and giving my body what it needs. I should be proud of how well I am treating my body by feeding it. My body responds by loving, treating me well, and allowing me to live and thrive. 

Thought: I should have known the answer to that question! I am so stupid!
Reframe: I don't have to get every answer right to be smart. I am an amazing and intelligent woman/man, and No test or school question could ever prove my worth.

Thought: I relapsed! I am a failure!
Reframe: No one expects me to be perfect, and I don't have to be. I am doing the very best I can, and that is enough. I am so strong and brave for trying again and continuing on. I am proud of me. 

Remember when you find negative thinking creeping into your mind, it is up to you and in your power to change it. You can reframe your thoughts, and make you mind more positive and uplifting. We are what we think we are. By changing your thinking, you can create any sort of life you imagine, you can be and achieve anything that you can think yourself to be.

I hope all of you lovelies have a wonderful day, and remember how amazing you are. If you don't remember, tell those negative voices in your mind to shut up, and make yourself believe it again!

Thanks for reading!

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